
What Makes Flick the Best Hashtag Tool for Organically Growing Your Instagram?

What makes Flick the best hashtag tool for organically growing your Instagram and reaching followers who are truly invested in your content? Find out here.

Posted 4 years ago
best hashtag tool flick

Written by

Julia Cohen
Posted 4 years ago
There are a lot of hashtag tools out there on the market, but here at Flick, we pride ourselves on what makes our tool, and our community, totally different. We see a lot of people struggling to decide which hashtag tool to use, and we realized what makes Flick truly special isn’t always readily available for people trying to find the right tool for them. In order to help our users better understand how we can help them, and help potential members of our Flick community understand a little more about what we do, we have decided to put together this article.
We will talk you through what makes Flick unique, and the features we have that are different from any other hashtag tool, which assists our users when it comes to organically grow their accounts.

What Makes Flick the Best Hashtag Tool for Organically Growing Your Instagram?

Flick is personalized and tailored to your Instagram account 👋

One of the number one reasons that our customers choose us is because of the personalization capabilities of our tool. What do we mean by this? Most hashtag tools allow you to search for and view hashtags related to a topic or generally trending content, which will give you an overview of what might work. Flick is personalized to your account, in the sense that you link your Instagram account with Flick, allowing us to suggest hashtags that match your performance and niche.
We take into account the competitiveness of hashtags according to a number of hashtag metrics (all of which are viewable within our software) allowing us to provide you with a buildable list of hashtags that are most likely to help you perform, and reach new people.
customized hashtags
Hashtags are much more likely to work for you on Instagram if they match your account, so you want to consider a number of factors when building your strategy. For example, you might search for hashtags in the travel niche if you consistently post travel-related hashtags. But, hashtags such as ‘#travel’ may be too competitive due to the number of posts being made in this hashtag by accounts that have large followings. If you have a smaller account, it’s less likely for you to rank in these larger hashtags, so you need to implement a solid strategy in order to ensure you reach new audiences with every post.

Flick shows you exactly which hashtags you are ranking on – in other words, which hashtags are working for you…

…as well as which hashtags aren’t working for you. This is one of our most unique features, that really helps our users understand the performance of their hashtags in real-time. In our Analytics Suite, you can check on your hashtag performance by seeing which hashtags you are ranking on, and in which position on average. If you rank on a hashtag this means that you are appearing in the top posts section of that hashtag – so if someone searches for this hashtag, your post would appear towards the top.
hashtag analytics
This is usually what helps increase Impressions via hashtags by unprecedented amounts, so should be your goal when it comes to your hashtag strategy. Understanding which hashtags are performing particularly well for you means you can be sure to use them again, however, understanding which hashtags aren’t performing well for you means you can remove them from your list or swap them out with something else that may work better.
You can consistently test your hashtag strategy by frequently checking up on your Analytics within Flick, so that you eventually have the best hashtag lists for each of the different types of content you post.

Flick makes Hashtag storage and use, easy ✔️

A lot of platforms allow you to search and find hashtags and copy them to your posts, but not many allow you to store your hashtags in an organized way to come back to and reuse them again and again. Flick allows you to create and label your own Collections according to the hashtags within them. You might create Collections related to the different types of posts you create, for example ‘fashion, beauty, or travel’, or you might create Collections based on the size of the hashtag and their competitiveness in relation to your account: ‘low competition, medium competition, high competition.’
You can have as many Collections as you wish, and as you search for hashtags within our tool, you can add your favorites to your Collections to revisit later. This makes finding hashtags a lot easier as you go through the process.

Mobile App 📲

We also have a Mobile App which holds all of your Collections, meaning you can copy and paste them to your Instagram posts, whenever you want. You can also view selected Analytics in the mobile app, and soon we will be adding the search and audit features so that you can do all of your research and Collection-building directly from your phone.

Flick allows you to audit your hashtags ❗️

Did you know that banned and flagged hashtags can really impact the health of your Instagram account? Another feature unique to Flick is that you can audit the hashtags you wish to use before you post on your account. Our Banned/Flagged hashtag checker will scan your selected hashtags and alert you if any are banned or flagged. Our audit also displays how well your hashtags are distributed in relation to your account. It analyses how many hashtags are of high, low, and medium competition, so if you have selected a list that isn’t well-distributed, you will know before you post.
hashtags insights
Finally, we will also tell you how many hashtags you are exporting – we always suggest that you use a maximum of 30 to increase your reach potential, so you can make sure you are choosing enough before you post.
banned hashtag checker

The Flick Community is truly unique 💡

We appreciate our users and are always trying to improve their experience with Flick. Our family currently consists of 10,000+ creators, brands, and agencies, who we frequently speak to in order to understand how they create and implement their hashtag strategies, so we can work on the best ways to optimize our software.

Learn with quality resources, training, and tips 📖

  • Smart guides
  • Blog content
  • Flick Academy – Courses to improve your hashtag performance and strategy
  • Video tutorials
Additionally, we speak to our users who have seen success when it comes to their hashtag performance in our blog series, Flick Talks so that we can share tried and true tips and tricks that you can use on your own account. Within our resources section, you can also explore our ultimate guide to hashtags.
Our blog and Instagram account both contain frequently updated content that clues you in on the top trends on Instagram today, in order to help you build your strategy. Finally, we have recently launched Flick Academy, where we offer a free course that will help you really understand the ins and outs of hashtags, leaving you with a complete strategy, tailored to your account. From our new support members to commissioning educational content, we are constantly re-investing in you.

Flick provides you with holistic Instagram analytics 📊

Outside of our hashtag tracking and metrics, we also provide you with general Instagram analytics, to give you a better overview of your profile performance. This allows you to get a holistic view of which areas could use some improvement, or why certain posts might not be performing as well as others. Our Analytics Suite is a great place to keep on top of your Instagram account, posts, and audience activity or behavior.
hashtag analytics

Flick is safe ⛑

Flick is a white-hat marketing tool, which means we only use Instagram’s official API and don’t make any automated actions on your account. Automated actions on behalf of your account can run the risk of your profile getting shadowbanned or restricted, harming the health of your account and restricting your growth.
We will also never ask you for your Instagram password – you can only link your Instagram account to Flick by using Facebook’s official Instagram Graph API, so we won’t ask you for any unnecessary or personal details.

Flick provides you with data you can trust 🤝

Almost all other hashtag tools on the market don’t provide or track specific hashtag metrics in order to relay performance and optimize strategy. We allow you to view and utilize a number of KPIs including:
  • Competition Score (how competitive a hashtag is in comparison to your usual performance)
  • Potential Reach (the potential reach a hashtag could achieve for your account if you rank)
  • DAPC (daily average post count of a hashtag to indicate whether a hashtag is trending or popular)
  • Average Likes (the average number of likes that the top-ranking posts in a hashtag get)
  • Posts Made (the total number of posts made into a hashtag overall)
  • Average Comments (the average number of comments that the top-ranking posts in a hashtag get)
Our data is also ‘live’ which means your performance is frequently updated over time so that you can consistently check on how your posts are performing, as well as compare and understand which content works the best for your account and audience.
performance analytics data
In our Analytics Suite, we also provide you with performance data, which explains exactly which hashtags are working, so you can continuously reoptimize your strategy. These metrics include:
  • Efficiency Score (how well a hashtag has performed for you, relative to its size, the frequency you rank on it and in which position you rank)
  • Rank Ratio (the percentage of times you rank on a hashtag compared to the number of times you use it)
  • Average Best Rank (the position you tend to rank on a hashtag)
Finding a reliable hashtag tool that genuinely helps your growth can be hard, especially when there are so many options that promise instant growth and don’t deliver. It is important to remember that your hashtag strategy needs to be thought through and that growing your Instagram page is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s important to invest in the right tools that will help you see growth, which is what we are dedicated to providing our users. If you would like to sign up for a free trial just click on the banner below!
better hashtags on flick


What Makes Flick the Best Hashtag Tool for Organically Growing Your Instagram?

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